Episode #18
Lillian Mennink, Netherlands: The Role of the Cerebellar Paraflocculus in Tinnitus.
Michael Boedts, Belgium: Tympanic Resonance Hyopthesis
To participate in the seminar just use the following link TRI ACADEMY ONLINE EPISODE Febr 19th
Episode #17
Gianpaolo Demarchi, Austria: Tinnitus is characterized by aberrant auditory prediction patterns.
Ana Carolina Binetti, Argentina: What do we learn from patients suffering from tinnitus and vertigo?
Episode #16
Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Australia: Genetic contribution to Tinnitus and Tinnitus disorder
Hazel Goedhart, UK, Tinnitus Quest
Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory!
Episode #15
Arnaud Norena, France: Did Kant suffer from Misophonia?
Patrick Krauss, Germany: Unlocking the Mysteries of Auditory Phantom Perception through Stochastic Resonance.
Episode #14
Dick Salvi, USA: Animal model of stress-induced hyperacusisAnimal model of stress-induced hyperacusis
Hashir Aazh, UK: Audiologist-Delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) For Hyperacusis and Misophonia Rehabilitation
Watch the talks of former Episodes on the TRI Academy youtube channel:
Episode #13
Laurence McKenna, UK: On Tinnitus Self-Help
Hazel Goedhart, NL/UK: Navigating the tinnitus world - from a patient perspective
Episode #12
Winny Schlee, DE: Temporal dynamics of tinnitus - use of apps in the real world
Dimitris Kikidis, GR: Application of Artificial Intelligence in Tinnitus Patients Management: Future is now?
Episode #11
Martin Meyer, CH: Take back control - The pros and cons of EEG-based neurofeedback as a treatment for chronic subjective tinnitus.
Martijn Arns, NL: Clinical use of neurofeedback: a long and winding road...
Episode #10
Timothy Griffiths, UK: Dementia as a disorder of the mind's ear
Will Sedley, UK: Tinnitus and cognition: friends or foes?
Episode #9
Deborah Hall, Malaysia: Scientifically proven to reduce tinnitus”: Examining the evidence behind the claims
Alain Londero, FR: Non-Evidence Based Medicine": pseudoscience, quackery, placebo effect and ethics
Episode #8
Sarah Michiels, Belgium: Somatosensory tinnitus: Can you still see the wood for the trees?
Hubert Lim, USA: From Pavlov's dog to paired stimulation plasticity - Opportunities for treating tinnitus with bimodal neuromodulation
Episode #7
Emmanuel Houdart, France: Pulsatile tinnitus: diagnosis and endovascular treatment
Jae-Jin Song, South Korea: Defusing the time bomb in your head: Preoperative evaluations and surgical treatment of pulsatile tinnitus
Episode #6
Dirk De Ridder, Belgium/New Zealand: Medication for tinnitus and tinnitus disorder: Sisyphus or Tantalus
Patrick Neff, Switzerland: Sound stimulation and therapies: fighting a phantom sound with real sound
Episode #5
Steven Marcrum, Germany: Hearing aids for the treatment of chronic tinnitus: Device- and patient-associated determinants of therapeutic success
"Shushing the Sizzle: Non-invasive Brain Stimulation in Tinnitus“
Stefan Schoisswohl, Germany: Neurostimulation procedures for the treatment of Tinnitus
Laure Jacquemin, Belgium: tDCS for Tinnitus
Episode #4
Martin Schecklmann, Germany: How to counsel the tinnitus brain - practical considerations
Derek Hoare, UK: CBT - let's change your mind about Tinnitus
Episode #3
Tobias Kleinjung, Switzerland: Clinical and technical assessment and diagnosis
Berthold Langguth, Germany: Psychiatric comorbidities
Episode #2
Sven Vanneste, Ireland: What is buzzing? The systems neuroscience of tinnitus
Arnaud Noreña, France: Changes in the spatio-temporal pattern of spontaneous activity in the auditory cortex of guinea pig after noice-induced hearing loss
Episode #1
Berthold Langguth, Germany: A brain and pain based tinnitus definition
Roshni Biswas, USA: The knowns and unknowns of tinnitus epidemiology