We are happy to share with you the chance to compete for the Science & PINS Prize for Neuromodulation which honors scientists for their excellent contributions to neuromodulation research.
The prize is awarded annually for outstanding research as described in a 1,500 word essay based on research performed in the past three years.
The winner of the prize is awarded US$ 25,000 and publication of his or her essay in the journal Science.
For more information visit Science & PINS.


Good Luck!

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Next Tinnitus Events

15 Sep
7th International Conference on Hyperacusis and Misophonia
2024-09-15 8:30 am - 2024-09-17 4:30 pm

For detailed information take a look at the conference website 

15 May
TRI2025 - International Tinnitus Conference in Seoul, Korea
2025-05-15 8:00 am - 2025-05-18 5:00 pm

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