We would like to thank the organizers and all the participants of this year's conference in Taipei, TW, who once again made our tinnitus conference such an extraordinary event.
For the first time the TRI conference took place in Asia, and more than 420 researchers, clinicians, audiologists, representatives from patient organizations... presented and discussed results from ongoing research projects during the three days of the conference. The abstract book of the conference is available for download here.
Hazel Goedhart, Tinnitus Hub, wrote a blog post on her general impressions of the TRI Conference. During the conference, Hazel conducted interviews with numerous tinnitus researchers, which we will soon present in various video series.
Read more about the conference on https://www.tinnitushub.com/seven-things-i-learned-at-the-tri2019-conference
Looking foward to seeing you all next year in May in Vancouver, CA!