TinnitusTalk Survey


At TRI, we believe in the importance of involving patients in research. At our Tinnitus at the Lake event, Hazel Goedhart, director of Tinnitus Hub, shared a heartfelt video message from tinnitus sufferers to researchers. We would like their message to reach all tinnitus researchers, so please take a look at the video! If you have a research project that you would like to involve the tinnitus community in, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Click on the postcard to watch the video


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Next Tinnitus Events

10 Mar
Advanced Tinnitus Masterclass
Date 2025-03-10 8:30 am - 2025-03-12 5:30 pm

Advance Tinnitus Masterclass: A Comprehensive and Advanced Neuro-Psycho-Audiological Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Training Course for Tinnitus and Sound Intolerance Rehabilitation

Dates: 10-12 March 2025 followed by 12 months online training course.

Venue: Birkbeck college, University of London, UK

website: https://hashirtinnitusclinic.com/event/tinnitus-masterclass-march-2025-march-2026/

15 May
TRI2025 - International Tinnitus Conference in Seoul, Korea
2025-05-15 8:00 am - 2025-05-18 5:00 pm

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