The Neuroscience of Tinnitus

August 19 - 21, 2011, Buffalo, NY (USA)

TRI wants to thank the organizers (Richard Salvi, Carol Altman, Ed Lobarinas, Brian Allman) for preparing an excellent conference and all participants who contributed through their presentations and discussions to a very succesful meeting.

photo fourth meeting 2010

We Must Cure Tinnitus, We Can Cure Tinnitus and We Will Cure Tinnitus

Four years ago, when the TRI was founded, we made a pledge to cure tinnitus. The ultimate goal is to silence the phantom sound, and hereby to improve the quality of life of our patients. That pledge still stands: we must cure tinnitus.

The question is: can we? more

The abstract book and recordings of the presentations are available for download now on the Webpage of the 4th International TRI Conference 2010

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Next Tinnitus Events

10 Mar
Advanced Tinnitus Masterclass
Date 2025-03-10 8:30 am - 2025-03-12 5:30 pm

Advance Tinnitus Masterclass: A Comprehensive and Advanced Neuro-Psycho-Audiological Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Training Course for Tinnitus and Sound Intolerance Rehabilitation

Dates: 10-12 March 2025 followed by 12 months online training course.

Venue: Birkbeck college, University of London, UK


15 May
TRI2025 - International Tinnitus Conference in Seoul, Korea
2025-05-15 8:00 am - 2025-05-18 5:00 pm

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