Announcement of the First Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting, 27–29 July 2006, Regensburg

photo first meeting 2006 small
Photo of the participants in First Tinnitus Research Initiative Meeting

Abstracts in alphabetical order of the presenting author
* research projects funded by Tinnitus Research Initiative

Azevedo et al. Treatment with accamprosate and pirebredil *
Bjorne Treatment of somatic tinnitus
Cacace Applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopy to tinnitus - Research: Current issues and future perspectives
Coelho et al. Tinnitus in children and associated risk factors
Coelho et al. Hyperacusis, sound annoyance and loudness hypersensitivity in children
De Ridder et al. Tinnitus and the autonomic nervous system *
De Ridder et al. Electrical brain stimulation for tinnitus
Dohrmann et al. Alteration of tinnitus sensation through operant modification of abnormal EEG-Spectra
Eichhammer et al. Functional imaging of chronic tinnitus: the use of positronen emission tomography *
Elbert et al. The sound of silence - Decrypting the neural code of tinnitus
Flor et al. An extinction training for tinnitus *
Herraiz et al. Evaluation of botulinum toxin in the treatment of somatic tinnitus *
Herraiz et al. Auditory discrimination therapy for tinnitus management: Clinical trial
Khedr et al. Novel therapeutic approaches to the treatment of chronic tinnitus, a prospective study *
Kleinjung et al. TMS for the treatment of chronic tinnitus *
Langguth et al. Tinnitus, Tinnitus Research Initiative and the 1st TRI Meeting
Levine et al. Can somatic testing identify subjects, whose tinnitus can be suppressed by specific treatments *
Meikle et al. Tinnitus assessment instruments
Melcher et al. Abnormal fMRI activation in the auditory midbrain of people with tinnitus *
Puel et al. Role of cochlear NMDA receptors in salicylate induced tinnitus *
Sanchez et al. Myofascial trigger points: another way of modulation tinnitus
Sand et al. Genetics of chronic tinnitus *
Searchfield et al. Auditory and visual attention process training for tinnitus treatment
Shore Neural mechanisms underlying somatic tinnitus *
Turner GAP detection as a high throughput, objective behavioural screen for tinnitus
Tyler et al. Zinc to treat tinnitus in the elderly *
Tyler et al. Considerations for the design of clinical trials for tinnitus
Weisz, Elbert et al. Neurofeedback for treating tinnitus *


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