UNITI - EU Funds Another Project On Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research
The European Union is funding another project to research new treatment methods for chronic tinnitus. Project leader is PD. Dr. Winfried Schlee, staff member at the Tinnitus Centre and Centre for Neuromodulation of the University of Regensburg at the Bezirksklinikum.
The research project "UNITI" (Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients, EU-Action no. 848261) is the largest European clinical study on tinnitus to date. The aim is to find out which patient groups benefit most from which treatment methods. The data from the clinical trial will be combined with genetic data, medical and audiological studies and existing databases. A computer model will then recommend the best possible therapy.
UNITI (EU Action no. 848261) will run for three years and the multicentre study is scheduled to start in early 2021.
Study sites are Regensburg and Berlin (Germany), Leuven (Belgium), Granada (Spain) and Athens (Greece).
More information on UNITI will soon be available at https://uniti.tinnitusresearch.net